
Date: 10/25/2009

I just can't help myself lol

Luk my 2 noenies I got the other day(12/10/09)They r 2 Brother hamsters I bought 4rm petshop but the following week I had 2 take one of them back coz they started fighting all of a sudden sad2.GIFI was so sad bt I didn't want one of em 2 get hurt as they almost bit the other brother's eye out back at the petshop.When I took back the other one I atleast saw that he's recovering nicely. I guess they decided there's not enough room 4 the both of them lol oh well.But seriously ppl-dnt keep 2 male teddy hamsters in 1 cage,once they descover they have a loving owner they WILL fight one time or the other!
